
Official website of association engrenage

engrenage is an association created by JCZD in la Chaux-de-Fonds Switzerland for a living and vibrant comunity in his building! Home of low-tech transhumanism and House of Cybernetics, it yields a lot of different projects in : mechanics, electronics and data analysis, physics, biology, mathematics, sociology etc… . If you would like more details, contact us!

engrenage is somewhat like a Longleaf Pine : “Unlike most conifers, the first 3 to 7 years of longleaf pine growth do not involve stem elongation. Rather, it remains a fire resistant, stemless, dense cluster of needles resembling tufts of grass. During this stage, seedlings are developing a deep taproot system below the ground and are capable of sprouting from the root collar if the top is damaged.”. Likewise, engrenage stood against some long-burning fires, it doesn’t look that great yet but its root are solidly anchored into the ground. If, like the vast majority of living beings on this planet you would like to make a change, but do not know where to start, engrenage could be a stop for you.


Warning: this website is in early development, most if not all content is in french! Please use automatic translations for the time being if required.